Thursday, June 7, 2012


load the car and write the note.
grab your bag and grab your coat.
tell the ones that need to know.
we are headed north.
one foot in and one foot back.
but it don’t pay to live like that.
so i cut the ties and i jumped the track.
for never to return

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

let your faith be bigger than you fear

i  a m   m o v i n g.

in fact, i am moving back to good ol' moses lake...

me and my roommates came to visit the small town over memorial day weekend. and ever since we left my mind has been ticking like a ticking time bomb. the plan was to come back to provo, me being recently licensed as a hair profesh-in-al, and find a job dicing and coloring hair. and i would keep working until i couldn't work anymore. my plan was to attent UVU in the fall and finally start the dream of going into broadcasting and journalism.

b u t . . . my mind kept disagreeing with the idea. i had turned over 20 resumes into places that were hiring, places that i wanted to work, places that i would never want to work, places that i needed a clientel to begin working at, places that had booth rent that i would have to pay with money i didn't have. when people asked me where i was looing at working my answer was... "anywhere and everywhere." after turning in resume after resume, only one salon had called back. only one! dissapointment made my heart ache. so then i began to look at none cosmetology related jobs... why waste my time? and i'm sure my parents were thinking... what waste the $20,000 that was spent on sending you through school? back to square one i went.

i was at the temple last thursday, thinking over and over again on what to do in my jobless situation. as i sat by myself on the white benches facing the font, something in my head said to me... "GO HOME." whhaaaaattt? me. go home? now? why! i couldn't stop thinking about it. when i came home from the temple i had my dear friend, devin give me a blessing to help guide me into making my decision. in the blessing he told me to try to understand what Heavenly Father wanted me to do. he also said that i would find my answer in my patriarchal blessing.

after devin left i sprinted to my room as if the carpet were lava. i grabbed my blessing and hopped onto my bed. i have read my blessing a countless number of times, and this time things i have thought meant one things meant a completely different thing. i read my scriptures. i made my decision. the next day i fasted and prayed about my decision, and at church it was like Heavently Father was punching me in the face through out every meeting. i know what i had to do, and even though i sure didn't want to do it... Heavenly Father wanted me too. when i came home from church i got another blessing, and i knew without a doubt.

so i called my mom and on sunday, i am moving home! not only because i can't find a job and might soon well be homeless... but as crazy as it sounds, i'm moving back to washington because Heavenly Father told me to

Monday, June 4, 2012

wide awake


welp! i am licensed!! i finally recieved my license in this mail this weekend, and now i am totally legal to start cutting, dying, perming and whatever else you people want from me.

what a relief! i'm so happy to be done with this whole cosmetologist thing, and finally get the chance to start working!

i have big news later.

......stay tuned.