Thursday, June 30, 2011

goodbye june, hello july

this month flew by! i'm kind of sad, but then again really excited.

sad that i met a ton of new people, and now i'll be leaving them all in a few weeks to vanish off to moses lake. however, when i think of being in moses lake for an entire month... i've never looked forward to anything so much. SCOTT WILL BE HOME! i'll be with all of my family. there will be; the oregon coast. my best friend. weddings. pictures. shaved ice. fair. demo derby, and so much more. the highlights of any small town girl are waiting for me.

 i c a n ' t w a i t

 31 1 

Monday, June 27, 2011

i'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart's the moon

if you haven't watched eminem's video for "space bound" yet, go to youtube right now and feast your eye's upon that hunk of a man.

if you're happy, you're successful

movie's of the weekend:
dante's peak
the proposal
definitely maybe

song's of the weekend:
"lighters" - bad meets evil ft. bruno mars
"back seat" - new boys ft. the cataracs & dev
"stitched up" -  herbie hancock ft. john mayer
"hold on" - wilson phillips 
"it's raining" - inara george
"paper bag" - fiona apple
"hold me together" - royal tailor
"show me what i'm looking for" - carolina liar
"the show" - lenka

loves of the weekend:
strawberry italian cream soda's.
if you're in provo, go hit up "coffeepod". it's right by sonic, and owns my heart.
if you're in moses lake.. #1, know that i'm jealous. #2, go to michael's bistro and getchoself an italian cream soda.
perfect thirst quencher for summer.
and pools. i might just live in the branbury pool for the rest of july.
for all you gingers, invest in some aloe vera... that's for sure.

beautiful weekend with beautiful people.
only 4 more days until the next.


your heart is my piƱata

this monday is finally coming to a wrap.
my fat kid thought of the night is that i'm already craving breakfast. disgusting, right?
when it's just little ol' you in an apartment all to yourself, oh boy does your mind wonder.
your arms get a workout too! today i had to carry everything except the kitchen sink home from the store. but i'm sure if i didn't already have one of those i would've been carrying that too. where's a car when you need one, huh? who knew kitchen and cleaning supplies could be so heavy. the weather was beautiful though, and maybe i got a little bit of a tan with that unexpected heavy weight lifting session.. i can only hope.
anyways, back to being alone in my apartment.
i kind of like it? woooww. that sounds so lame.
really though. for some odd reason, it's kind of nice. 
i deeped cleaned everything, even my fish bowl. 
i got to slept on the couch last night, and not wake up until 9:00. so comfy. and i've been singing up a storm. the next gaga is right here folks!
random thought. have any of you seen "dante's peak"? it's a crazy story about this massive volcano irrupting. i remember watching it all the time, so i rented it last night and watched it once... or twice. ya'll need to watch it. 
anyways! being alone in my apartment. my mind wonders like i have ADD. but hey, i probably do have ADD. i think about almost everything under the stars. why i'm not on the glee project, and why on earth i've been craving some puppy love. seriously, why? i also miss my family and my dear sweet best friend. AND my brother. august is coming so fast, and before you know it we'll be owning the oregon coast. i cannot wait. my dinky paper chain i've made to countdown the days until he gets home keeps getting shorter and shorter. i knew that thing was a good idea.. i'm going to teach him how to longboard after i buzz his stupid missionary part and we'll be golden for provo.

for the first time in the past 10 months, i'm finally starting to feel like i'm where i'm suppose to be.
who knew utah would ever start to grow on me.
..fetching utah...

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

by thursday morning, we've all got over the worst

tomorrow we're having breakfast at school. nummers.
james is coming to my fab apartment for probably the best haircut he'll ever have in his entire life from his bad A cousin AKA me. and he doesn't know it yet, but i'm going to wax his nose! i know he'll secretly love it.
then i'm off to my ward campout. all i'm hoping for is s'mores and a cuddle buddy. i dont think that's too much to ask for, do you?
then possibly the manti pageant saturday night, sleepover, and then turch sunday afternoon.

movies that are a must see:
the switch
soul surfer
where the heart is

movies that are a must not see:
super 8

songs of the week:
"waking up in vegas" - katy perry
"hummingbird heartbeat" - katy pery
"super bass" - nicki minaj
"never alone" - barlowgirl
"the other side" - bruno mars ft. cee lo green and b.o.b.
"penguin" - christina perri
"free fallin" - john mayer
"mama knows best" - jessie j

i have a package waiting for me at the post office and i'm dying to know what it is.

thanks for the letter of goodies today, mum. i loved the card. i miss you guys. 
remember, july 24th! love you most.

my bum hurts from sitting on my floor, it's 11:41 and i'm hungry. not a good sign.

i'm going to bed.
love you all. sweet dreams.

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no justification but insanity

vegas was awesome.

we got in thursday night, explored the hotel, grabbed a midnight snack at a cute old fashioned diner inside the hotel, and then hit the sack.

friday, after doing some much needed sun bathing, we hit the strip! we walked through almost every hotel, saw street performing after street performer, spent hours in H&M, saw the oh so famous kardashians, and stuffed our faces at the cheesecake factory.

saturday, me and miriam sun bathed yet again and then went to the hair show. which was nuts! so many vendors and performers! and let's not forget the people! i've never been surrounded by such a vast amount of beautiful human beings and scary human beings. it was somethin' else. after spending all afternoon at the hair show, and getting mistaken for being drunk countless number of times... (i was too happy for a sober ginger in vegas apparently) we went back to the hotel, got our party pants on, bought tickets for the bus, and off we were to tackle the strip yet again! one cool thing you can do in vegas, (which all of you should keep in mind next time you go) is buy this black wrist band at ceasers palace, or any other buffet linked into this deal, and what that wrist band does for you is that it gets you into seven different buffets on the strip at some big hotels, anytime you want, for the next 24 hours. talk about a deal. so me and miriam bought two of those bad boys and got belly happy at the buffet in ceasers palace. delish i tell you! that night we ventured to the M&M and coca-cola factory! i got myself a giant diet coke.. literally. it was huge. and then we went home suffering from blistered feet. (oh, did i mention me and miriam got lost trying to even find the hair show? we walked many unneeded miles) 

sunday, you guessed it. we sun bathed all morning! then me and miriam ran to the flamingo buffet for brunch, then on to the hair show. that day we saw two ladies with the longest nails and toe nails i've ever seen. they had been growing them out for 16 years, and they were curling in all kinds of directions! ya'll will have to check my facebook for pictures later. it was kind of disgustingly cool? if that's even possible? then we did the some old routine. came home, change, and hopped on the bus. you all are probably wondering why we even took the bus this entire time? because me and miriam were the only party animals in our group of ladies! the others stayed at home, and to be honest. the bus ride was extremely entertaining. you wouldn't believe the kinds of people you meet on it. unforgettable. that night we went to the buffet at planet hollywood. BEST BUFFET EVER! they had delish pasta, watermelon, salad, pizza, fajitas, ice cream, egg rolls, fried rice, and cotton candy! yes, cotton candy. i was in heaven. thankfully we beat the rush too! afterwards we explored more hotels and finished the night by watching the fountain show at the bellagio. so beautiful.

then monday came. i'm going to attempt to give you the most condensed version possible, so i'm not up all night pounding on my keyboard... alright. let's begin. the plan was to leave at 11:00AM. check out time. makes sense right? our hotel pool didn't open until 9:00, so me and miriam came back to the room at 10:00, and our other travel mate.. let's call her suzy.. is gone. straight up gone, and so are all of her belongings. our first thought... maybe she left us. but oh, not yet. suzy texted miriam to tell her she was waiting in the car for us. my thought? "i hope she has air conditioning."  we rushed to get ready, packed everything up, triple checked the room to make sure we didn't forget anything, checked out, and met suzy in the parking garage. she didn't say a word to us, which makes sense since she had been waiting on us for an hour now, but who's fault is that? we took off. 2 hours into the hot drive, miriam is in and out of sleep in the back seat, i'm zoned into my ipod, and before either of us know it suzy has exited in a city three hours away from provo and is pulling into a random broken down mexican restaurant. i ask her what we're doing, and that neither miriam or i are hungry. but of course neither of us matter at the moment. she's meeting old friends for lunch. so me and miriam wait in the car. we wait, and wait. and wait. an hour has gone by, and now we're hungry. so we tell suzy we're walking to pizza hut, which is two stores over, to grab some food. we get to pizza hut, eat, and another hour passes. no word from suzy. i call her. "uhm. where are you?" "still with friends. we're going to hang out for a few more hours." "nooooo. me and miriam want to go home. this isn't part of the plan, and you didn't tell us that you were going to hang out with friends all afternoon. we're paying for the gas you're using right now, and we need to leave." "fine. then you can find your own ride home. i'll drop your things off at your apartment. you're not my problem anymore." click. 

WHAAAAAAA?! okay psycho. we attempt to call, and call, over and over again. miriam is texting her, with short replies every minute or so. another hour goes by and now i'm in life size chucky mode. even if she did came back and get us, i'd rather be put through a paper shredder and then dipped in lemon juice then sit in a car with her for another 3 hours. we don't hear anything. so i call stephanie, and she gives me the grand idea of giving suzy the option of either coming back and taking us home, or calling to police to report our things as stolen. so i do just that. i call suzy, of course no answer, so i leave a message telling her what the down low is. i give her three minutes to call me back, or i'll be calling the po po on her bipolar A. she doesn't call back, and soon the cop is at pizza hut, repeatedly calling her until she finally picks up, and then he begins screaming at her. who knows what she was telling him, but oh. was he ripping her apart. she had made it two hours away, and has to now turn around and come give us our things, but refuses to give us a ride home. which at this point, i don't really care about. i just want my things before she starts smelling my clothes and fantasizing about who knows what. but we still have one problem. how are we going to get home? it's too late for stephanie to come pick us up, so she tells me to say a quick prayer and then walk to the nearest gas station and start asking people for rides. i've never felt to white trash. but we did it, and sure enough we found a ride with the cutest family who bought us dinner, and waited those two hours for suzy to bring us our things. they had us home in no time, without dumping us off in a random city with nothing but my satchel.

moral of the story? don't go to vegas with a person with the personality of a piranha.
great story for the grandkids though, right?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

a birthday is just the first day of another 365 day journey around the sun, enjoy the trip

tomorow i will blog more about vegas, being ditched in a random city and forced to bum a ride off of strangers to get home (yes, that really happened), more of my birthday, this past week's events, and what this ginger is doing this weekend.

but today is my birthday. and no, not my 2oth birthday, or my 21st birthday, my 19th birthday.

it's about time! i know years from now...probably in two or three.. i'll be regretting the fact of always wanting to grow older. but isn't that just how it is? when you're young, you want to grow up as fast as you can. but, as you start to actually grow up and as you feel yourself begin to change into that grown up you always wanted to be, the adult that eventually you'll have to be....even if you don't want to be, the panic sets in. "forever young" begins to play over and over in my head, and i'm scratching to be that little girl again that could run to my parents bedroom whenever i had a nightmare. 

but mom and dad aren't here, and you're not in narnia anymore. 

you're on your own. you make your own decisions, you choose your own friends, you decide whether or not you want to go to church, whether or not school is your top priority, and if family will even be your top priority from now on.

i'll be honest, i didn't have a lot of great top priorities when i turned 18. none in fact. i was living in a fairy tail that made me oblivious to what was coming my way.

life. life came my way, and i wasn't ready.

this year is going to be different. i'm going to get closer to my family. you haven't seen nothin' yet. i'm going to be the best aunt, sister, daughter, cousin, niece, and granddaughter this world has ever seen. i'm going to finish school, and start planning for my life after cosmo. what college to attend, where to move, where to live. and lastly, i'm going to become closer to God. i've been unbelievable selfish, given the fact of how much he's blessed me with. he deserves my loyalty and gratitude. and i'm going to give it to him. i'm going to live by his example, and make my Heavenly Father proud.

with those three top priories, this year should be a breeze. probably not though. of course sometimes it'll be tough at times, and i'll most likely cry once or 50 times... but i'll be okay. it'll be worth it. i know i won't have anything flung my way that i cannot handle, and i know i will continue to be blessed as long as i continue to earn it.

so, 19. come at me.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

holy cannoli. today was amazing.
we hit up the pool this morning and i didn't even get burned! who's impressed?
this ginger actually got somewhat of a tan, believe it or not.
we literally spend the entire afternoon at H&M.
ive never been, and this bad boy was three stories!
escalators and all.
little did i know that i was debit cardless until it was my turn to check out.
panic mode took over.
my mascara was running down my face as i searched all over the hotel.
people were looking at me like i was some jacked up hooker that just ran out of meth.
i said about nine thousand prayers, called my mum hysterically crying, and then i found my beloved debit card. well, technically miriam found it. talk about a miracle.
we hit up cheesecake factory, i got my birthday serenading, and then we explored all into the night.
oh, and guess who i saw tonight... the kardashians. all of them, with there lovers and friends. they're just as stunning in real life as they are on telly.
who knows if ill ever recover.
day one in vegas was a success.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

it's not a purse, it's called a satchel. indiana jones wears one.

in t minus 50 minutes i'll be on my way to las vegas.
from my twitter feed i've learned that bruno mars is in sin city tonight, and little miss khloe kardashian is having her birthday party there tomorrow night. will i crash it? probably.

and guess what? the good news just keeps a comin'. today this girl's mama bought her two tickets to see katy perry and jessie j in las vegas on november 19th, 2011. i have the best mum in the world.. oh. and you better bet i had to change my pants after she called me to deliver the news.
it's going to be the best day of this ginger's year.
cept for august 1st, 2011 of course. the day my sweet brother comes home. only 46 more days scooter.

alright, well. i'll be blogging from my phone over the weekend. 
for updates just visit

peace out beezey's.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

if you don't reach for the moon, you can't fall on the stars

fun is good

glitter toes
pool side sun bathing 
pretzel bites
frozen yogurt
jammin' out
girl talk

a beautiful day spent with beautiful people
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

how great thou art

i'm feeling a little blah today. anyone else?
well, take a seat. relax. and enjoy.
 how great thou art

Monday, June 13, 2011

happy birthday jace

my sweet little nephew jace is three years old today.
i know you're not suppose to have favorites, but jace is one of mine.
i'm a freak when it comes to fortune cookies.
i'd bet my life on them, they're always right.
before jace was born i opened up a fortune cookie and inside it said this;
"remember this date three months from now."
and, three months from that day was friday the 13th...
i was possitive i either was going to abducted by aliens that day, or massacred by the craigslist killer.

thankfully i'm still alive, and on that day, june 13th 2008...
jace walters, one of my favorites, was born.

and oh, what an animal he is.
...that crazy beast..
love you little man.

glitter all over the room, pink flamingos in the pool


success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire

this weekend was a good one.
i got so much done! i enjoyed my alone time, met more people in my new ward, brushed up on my cooking skills, watched all the good movies i've missed out on, cleaned my fish bowl, and got even more excited for this summer!
i've dreaded being away from home this summer, especially here in utah. 
but it's practically mid june, and summer isn't looking too shabby.
i have way too much to look forward to.
just a few would have to be the fact that i'm going to vegas, my birthday is coming up, as well as my ward campout, and going fourth of july campin' with steph and kritt... oh, and little mason :)
and before i know it... SCOTT WILL BE HOME! which means i get to come home.
it's a win win situation, really.
i'm sort of falling in love with my new apartment, and my new ward, and possibly even school?, no, no. sorry, i was getting way too excited there. no way in H, am i falling in school..
but everything else is treating me quite nicely. 
keep it comin' june
17, 31, 1

i have patience, but i will only wait so long

i apologize for this poor quiality photo, but!
happy early birthday to me! :)
my phone decided to commit suicide a week ago, oh well.
that piece of junk is now replaced!

thank you oh so much dad.
and to my mum for sending it.
...and to kristen for delivering it to me, since my mum now sends all of my packages to the school.

happy happy monday :)
success! i just figured out how to blog from my phone :)

...this could be dangerous.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

i'm exahusted, and kind of depressed that i haven't talked to my family all day or gotten anything good in the mail except for coupons to buy a new oreck vacuum. 
for dinner today, i ate two s'mores.
i ripped yet another pair of black pants. and!! not because of eating s'mores for dinner, but because of being too awesome my jeans just couldn't handle it so they split. literally, they split down the crotch. 
i've drank more water today then i thought was humanly possible.
i might start packing for vegas tonight. only seven mo daayys :)
heck, i might start packing for moses lake after vegas. only 6 and a half more weeks.
oh, and hide yo kids, hide your wife. only 14 more day's until this ginger is 19. 

now before i go to bed should i make it book time, or movie time? ...move time for sure. i got "twister".

thank you netflix.

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november 19th, 2011

on june 6th, i peed myself.

katy perry announced that she had invited jessie j to open for her on the five final shows on her last leg of the california dreams tour.

uuhhmm yeaaahh... have you ever almost suffered from a seizure from being so excited about something? i have.

jessie j is from, you guessed it... london :)  i've been following her for what seems like forever now. she started out as a song writer for all of us teeny bop US kids. you know the song, "party in the USA"? jessie j wrote that piece of art. way back in january she wrote a song for rihanna, sang it, recorded it for an example, and shipped it off to the record label. they wrote her back and told her that that wasn't going to be rihanna's new song, it was going to be miss jessie j's first single. then BOOM! she released "do it like a dude" which dominated the UK, and then after releasing "price tag" ft. b.o.b., she spread like wildfire all across the US. a short six months after releasing her first single, jessie j has released an entire album titled "who you are" and has sold millions of copy's. and to get into my deep, musical, artistic, weirdo self, i can honestly say that her album, "who you are" has changed my life. truly a monumental album. jessie j is a genious. 

....and i may be secretly in love with her. or mildly obsessed? 

and then katy. oohhh, katy perry. i've been in love with her from the beginning and she's only gotten better. i wanted to attempt to attend her concert in seattle in july, but no.. i'll be stuck in utah. 

if i could legally marry concerts, i would. there is nothing i love more than a good concert. taylor swift, bruno mars, rascal flatts, miley cyrus, destiny's child, he is we, keith urban, carrie underwood, tim mcgraw... and the list goes on.. they all have been amazing.

but this may just be the concert of my life.

jessie j will be here, in america, with katy perry.

...i have to be there.

aiming for the moon and missing is better than aiming for the ditch and hitting it

SO. my phone is still dead. not as in "dead, charge me" dead. like full on dead. and however this may sound, i miss being able to call my mum or dad at any given time. and my siblings and best friends of course. when you're phone less it's like running around buck naked, and i've officially been living in the nude for a week...

please tell me ya'll are watching the voice, america's got talent, or so you think you can dance.

for some reason, my lazy ginger self has been attached to the hip to all of these shows these past weeks. i'm literally obsessed with them, it's disgusting. but want to know something even more pathetic? i cry when i watch them. mostly tears of joy, sometimes tear of who knows what run down my face, and then i realize how much of an idiot i look like.. sitting in my living room, bundled up on the couch, crying because someone didn't make through another round of so you think you can dance, or that xenia is growing as a singer week by week on the voice. i mean really, why? i even cried on the last episode of "the secret life of an american teenager" when ben and what's her face lose their baby. straight up was sobbing, like a lost child in walmart.

if any of you watch these shows, and if you pay enough attention (as i seem to do very well) you can see something in every contest's eyes. it's almost like a raging fire of some constantly growing desire that's growling in the pit of their heart. they almost look possessed, like the satan of talent is in each of them. (, that sounds terrifying) but honestly, there is something inside of them that makes them need such an opportunity that they're all working for. it isn't a simple want anymore, it's a need.

my man will smith recently taught me that there is a difference between having talent, and having skill. you can have all the talent in the world, and never make it. but then again you can have a small amount of talent, and all the skill in the world, and make it. while the man drowning in talent is sleeping, you can be the skillful one working day in and day out. while he eats, you're working. while he plays, you're working. while he's wasting any of his precious time, you're working. that skill, the skill of being able to form and mold your talent constantly will allow you make it to the top. 

but before you hope for it to just find you, realize this. there is no such thing as a random "big break". no one just magically becomes a superstar overnight.. except for rebecca black, and we all can see how much of a disgrace that was. if you want to make it in such a world as ours, you'll get broken many times before you ever get your "big break." you'll get no's, you'll get doors slammed in your face, you'll be rejected and denied. but if you have the skill to overcome such rejection, that talent will triumph, and finally, it'll all be worth it.

nothing in life worth having comes easy.

prove yourself.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

you'll always be a pearl


i'm up to my elbows in homework; and of all chapters, it's anatomy... so much fun. 
my family would be so proud.
my butt is practically numb due to the fact that i've been sitting on the floor for hours, my nose deep in all these books. not going to lie, i kind of like it. one thing getting my through all this wild studying is my girl t.swift.
i use to be so obsessed with her, and maybe i still kind of am? she was the soundtrack to my junior year of high school. the day i met her is still #1 on the list, "best days of my life".
i'll never forget that day. it was the best concert i've ever been to, and i was surrounded with all the people i love most in life. 
we all shared that moment together. letting the world see every emotion we had in us.
whether it was about the man we only dreamt of, the love we wish we could find, the love we had found, the love we had lost, the guys who screwed us over, the best friends we had, the crushes we told each other about, or the family we were lucky enough to have.
all the deep and raw feelings of every girl imaginable, we threw out that night for all to see. 
and no we weren't the only ones. there was hundreds of us, all in one giant venue, hands up in the air, screaming out what we all wish we could say in everyday life.
it was like a giant slumber party, where you give each other therapy sessions without the fatty overpriced bill.
as i left that stadium that night, and the weeks and months that followed where i lived by the words of taylor swift, she practically became my guru. 
and hey, she's not too shabby for a personal guru. i've learned lots :)

point is. as i sit in my apartment listening to taylor swift, two years after my junior year of high school, after i've been through hell and back, up and over every mountain, i almost feel like that 16 year old junior again.

i loved that girl.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep

well, today sucked.

school has been slower than an old woman crossing the street.

today i only had two clients, and they weren't even interesting ones. next time could i please get a psycho old lady that thinks she's the lady gaga, or a perverted 90 year old? anything to keep me from counting the bristles on my stupid hair brush.

my teacher told me what's up, my phone broke, and i may or may not be going to vegas alone.

i'm scared to even think about my birthday, so now i'm just going to sing loudly to "bad day" by daniel powter, and dance around in my underwear.

but before i go, watching SYTYCD tonight made me grin like a giddy school girl. caitlynn, i'm so proud of you. however far you get, remember that you were made for this. in the words of my sugar daddy, justin bieber; never say never. love you.

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