Thursday, January 6, 2011

any fool can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a dad

guess who has two thumbs and actually enjoyed school today? this girl. i'm kind of bummed i didnt get a single client. but i DID buy some new nail polish. pretty extreme. lounging around all day with the girls was ideal. just what i needed. and when my pants decided to have a party without letting me know, i ripped a beautiful hole in the crotch of them, and it literally made my day. i know what you're thinking right now. "wow. you're a freak. a hole in your pants made your day? i bet seeing flies land on your knees probably make your day too." but it was like a practical joke, lightened my mood up instantly. i mean come on, i just got a rip in the most awkward part of my pants, at school, and i cant change into anything. a professional work place and i'm walking around almost exposing my chonies. classy, i tell you. classy.

the cherry to my sunday was when my dad walked into apartment 135, MY apartment. :) it hasnt even been a week since i saw him last, but oh. how i missed him. taylor will be coming down in three weeks! which was a total surprise for me. i can't wait. i showed dad around the apartment, and then we were off to pfchangs. we met stephanie and kritt there, with mason. him being cuter then ever. i love that boy. have any of you ever had your mouth filled with the joy of a lettuce wrap from pfchangs? oh my gosh. it never gets old. i'll be full for days. i'm so thankful to have my dad here in utah right now. i NEED at least one of my parents right now. switching schools, needing to find a new way of transportation, and a few free meals? why not? my dads the man, i couldnt do it without him. right now we're sprawled out on stephanies cozy couches, watching the finale of prison break, season one. i spread the addiction my family... feels just like home :)

old as she was, she still missed her daddy

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