Wednesday, January 26, 2011

change the voices in your head, make them like you instead

sooooooooo, i've been obsessed with pink ever since stephanie had "glitter in the air" on a cd in her car. and after watching these two videos i must say i'm in love. she reminds me of lady gaga, but not as wild.. lady gaga once said that she forms all of her music, music videos, wardrobe, and performances around her fans. her goal is to create an environment where anyone can feel open, free, and accepted. where the kids who think they're outcasts because they're "different" can feel special. because in reality, they are. at school whenever i bash myself jen always looks at me and says, "stop talking about my friend kendra like that." and it never gets old. so to all you girls, outcasts, and freaks, remember... you're never given something you can't handle. you're someone, you're something, you're special. 

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