Thursday, January 27, 2011

the love of a famliy is life's greatest blessing

alright, let's get this all out in the open. taylor. 

i honestly don't even feel like blogging about this. but i made a promise to blog everyday, and treat this blog like my own personal journal. and this has been bugging me since the first monday in december. i called my mom, and she told me that taylor had a seizure that morning. she told me the details, i talked to taylor, and i remember her saying "kendra, i passed away!" ...instead of "passed out". thankfully she still had her humor. we kept the news in the family loop, to save some grief for our family and friends. but then it happened again yesterday. and again, and again. and like i said, i really don't feel like blogging about this. it's all i've been thinking about since yesterday morning. whenever a text message popped up on my phone from one of my family members, my heart sank. waking up to texts made me think the worst. and getting the pictures sent to me of taylor being hooked up to all sorts of machines made me cry. she was suppose to be in utah right now, pulling all nighters with me and stephanie. not sitting in the hospital getting MRI's and EEG's. thankfully taylor is okay, and will be sent home from spokane tomorrow. to get the details, click on the link.

i love you taylor. you mean the world to me, never forget that.

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