Tuesday, February 22, 2011

i'm a belieber

seeing the family this weekend was amazing.

i cannot tell you all how many times taylor reminded us all that "she's a belieber".

when i was giving her a pedicure (her being over protective over her tinsy toes and gripping the arms of the pedicure chair with her white knuckles) she would reassure me she was fine by looking me in the eyes and saying..."i'm fine. i'm a belieber."

when i was waxing my dad's nose, yes waxing my dads nose. it's awesome. go get it done. anyways, while waxing my dads nose, him wincing and not enjoying it in the slightest, taylor held his hand and said..."suck it up! stop being a pansy! be a belieber!"

we went to park city, and as we rolled out of steph's driveway i told tay to buckle up, she look's at me and says..."i'll be fine. i'm a belieber."

the whole bam fam was going to the movie, "unknown" saturday night. once taylor got the news that it wasn't justin's movie "never say never" (which she's already seen) the tears began to role. "but i'm a belieber." she kept saying. so mom decided that me and tay could hit up two movies that night. "unknown" AND "never say never". i wont even try to pull the tough card, i wanted to see that bieberlicious film more than everything. we sat in our seats for "unknown" and counted down the minutes until it was bieber time. countless times during the movie taylor would lean over and whisper... "i'm so confused." "i have no idea what's going on." and when i complained about having to use the restroom every 15 minutes she would elbow me and say, " you think you'll be okay? do you need some help? go already!" 

so after many bathroom trips, the first movie was over and it was BIEBER TIME. my dad went to get the tickets while we all waited in the lobby, and when he came back he delivered the news that the projector had broken, and "never say never" had gotten canceled. tears began to gather on the edge of taylor's eyes and down her cheeks they rolled. no way jose. like lightening my little ginger fingers went to work on my handy dandy iphone and i found the soonest showing of "never say never", i grabbed the keys to the durango from my dad, grabbed taylor, and off we were. we straight thug bumped J.B. tracks the entire way there, screaming our lungs out and getting overly giddy with joy until we rolled into the parking lot of theater number two. we skipped in (literally), bought some reese's peanut butter cups and booked it into what would be my new favorite movie. 

i laughed, cried, and got butterfly's the entire movie. how dare you justin. giving me that beiber fever. me and tay gawked at the screen, and after every scene we would look at each other with drooling smiles.

whenever justin performs "one less lonely girl" he pulls a random girl from the audience, brings her on stage, gives her a giant bouquet, sits her down on a stool, and serenades her, and her only. it's the hottest thing i've ever seen on a movie screen. after showing girl after girl, concert after concert, get serenaded by that flawless young man, tay would elbow me and whisper..."that's going to be you."

a girl can only dream.


  1. I absolutely love that girl. :)

  2. Your little sister is such an inspiration. I barely know her and she brings a smile to my face, just hearing you talk about her makes me smile, your family is truely lucky to have such a little ball of joy

    Ps: I am dying to see that movie! I LOVE JUSTIN
