Thursday, March 3, 2011

me duele la cara

i feel like all my recent blog posts have been "empty". full of nothing interesting or inspiring. just pitiful.

but get this.. i hate january, and i hate february. fetch, i hate march too. so for now, my blog is going to blow.

my apologies.

alright, anyways... i got a chemical peel a week ago. you know, a peel of thee face. it's a treatment for your skin. tons of girls get it, so i took the plunge. and oh, did i peel. i felt like a snake. but good news! it made my skin beautiful.

it also brought up all the nastys. no bueno. sooo word on the street is one of the esthetic instructors is bomb at doing extractions. which in street terms is, "popping dat zit.". once this little ginger heard, i ran up those stairs like a jack rabbit.

heather is the magician to all of this. she doesn't just pop whatever like a youtube video, she gives your skin a deep wash, which feels amazing.. but then she RIPS YOU APART. next thing i know she's busting out all these different tools, grabbing my face, and practically branding me, taking things that were blind to me out of my face. i wouldn't be surprised if she drew bone marrow. there was blood dripping off my face, bloody gauze pads piling up, my white knuckles gripping the edges of the operation table, and my face slowly swelling. at then end of it all, i not only felt like i had just had plastic surgery, i looked like i had.

my face, my small little face.. was huge! so swollen, red, and to be honest.. i looked like a meth addict. but man oh man, heather did work.

today my face is still very swollen and red. trying to mask the redness with make up doesn't help. one, i'm afraid to put makeup on my fresh skin. and two, my face is too tender to even touch. i can't even make any facial expressions without hurting. gross, isn't it?

the good news is, there is literally not a trace of gunk in my face. it's as clean as a whistle! a bloody swollen whistle... and i love it.

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