today was my first day as a senior.
how crazy is it that in about five months i'll be done with a
single year of school and making bank.
fetch, this isn't even what i want to do with my life.
it's a back up plan. but either way, i'll be making it rain on a daily basis.
i remember when i first started school
i knew absolutely nothing about hair.
i couldn't tell you what lowlights were, or whatever the heck
"blocking out" was on a mens haircut.
oh, and i could care less about what shampoo i was using.
or what you were using.
or what type of shampoo my client was using.
as long as i wasn't a bald ginger with yellow nails i really
didn't give a hoot about anything in the beauty department.
but WOW , how i have changed over the past few months.
i could tell you anything and everything about your hair.
whether you want to know or not...
and my parents have created a monster by letting me
get elbow deep in all of my favorite hair and skin products.
aaaannnyywaaayys.... back to the subject of being a senior.
today was my first day!
i'm sure my new teacher knows how intimidating she is.
i was terrified to move up.
but today.. today was awesome.
i learned bucket loads.
did my best highlight yet.
won a free service in esthetics.
oh, and won $2oo in product.
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