Wednesday, September 7, 2011


beyonce pulled a quicky on me today.
beyonce, as in my fish beyonce.
there i was, being a sweetheart, pouring her back into her freshly cleaned tank when she slips out and hits the counter top.
it felt like i was drowning my own child. 
of course it's impossible to drown a fish, but when it's flopping around on the counter it's pracitcally drowning.
just gasping for air, looking at you with it's big eyes wondering what the heck your problem is for letting him just sit there and practically die. staring at you all kinds of disgusted.
now i may be a pro animal, but i cannot touch a fish for the life of me.
right when it fell onto the counter all help broke loose.
i start running around, yelling at deerey to grab it and put it back in the water.
i'm pointing, screaming, jumping up and down, my long boarding wounds ripping open from all the commotion, blood devouring my sandles, deerey yelling at me to call kevin, refusing to touch the fish, me screaming bloody murder, me having a panic attack, me not being able to breathe, my fish flopping around, me running to the balcony and discovering the guy staring up at our apartment in horror, my yelling at him to come put my fish back in it's tank, him magically being in my apartment seconds later, and finally my fish back in it's tank ALIVE.

it was traumatizing, and i felt awful.
so i went and bought another one.
yes, another fish.
his name is eminem, and i love him.
but if he commits a suicide attempt i might just lose it.

i'm exahusted, and it's time to creep.
deerey, where you at?

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