Sunday, December 11, 2011


i did it.

it didn't hit me until i was walking across the riantree parking lot towards graduation.
walking alone.. kicking myself for not telling my parents that i was graduating until the night before. 
but i did it.

hair school isn't a big deal to me whatsoever.
i mean, come on.. it's hair school.
but then i think back to all the times i defended it when people would try to talk it down.
i don't care who you are, but going to a consecutive 2,000 hours of school is kind of a big deal.
i know all of you college kids can easily miss a few days of classes and bounce back like some kind of chuck norris prodigy... but us hair girls aren't done until each and every one of those hours are earned and counted for.
surrounded by girls from all different backgrounds for 2,000 hours can be the most entertaining thing on certain days.. or the worst thing thats ever happened to you.
some days i catch myself wishing i was killing 2,000 zombies then being surrounded by girls for 2,000 hours.
do you know that we have to learn and memorize each and every bone in the human body?
i bet you have no idea what color a 7/06 is, or that you can mix a 6/06 and 8/06 to make a 7/06..
do any of you even know what you acid mantle is? or exactly how many layers of skin you have?
OR! that you can easily kill someone with a little mix of bleach, hairspray, cotton swabs, and three bobby pins?

i totally just made that last one up... but really..
it's not as easy as everyone talks up to be.
i've dedicated, well maybe not "dedicated".. but more sacrificed over a year of my life to gain an education that i can make bank off of easily in the first year.
i may of done it by the skin of my teeth, and i may or may not still have about a month and a half yet.. but..

i did it.


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